Cup of Soup
I have decided to return to writing my column after a long sabbatical. I originally started this venture with the intent to share my small tidbits of wisdom and insight on everyday things based on conversations I was privy to over the lunch hour.
The intent remains the same but I have broadened my scope to include all conversations I've had with others, including my mentors, those I am mentoring, sages, crones, children, people from all walks of life, business owners, like-minded souls, and those who disagree, but whose opinions I still greatly respect. And some conversations even with myself.
I feel like we can draw from our collective experiences and apply what we are learning to various phases in our lives. The timing of my journalistic return it is not a coincidence.
Over the course of this past summer, I had the amazing privilege to marry nine couples! 2018 was "The Summer of Love" and here are some of the special words I shared at the altar from various ceremonies across the northeast.
First and foremost, love is simple...find someone that loves you and sees you for you and do the same.
Secondly; sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to eat the cake first!
Next; there comes a time when you have to follow your heart and not your family.
Which leads me to my next observation; sometimes love isn't so simple.
My final conclusions are this; one, if you have the rare privilege to connect with your twin soul do whatever is necessary to make that person your best friend and when the opportunity arises..MARRY THEM PERIOD!
And at last, if after all this time your heart still calls for someone then it was always meant to be!
May you all be surprised this week by a beautiful sunset!
Live, Love, and Laughter! Enjoy the soup du jour!
Ms. Gina
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